Monday, September 5, 2011

Smoking statistics in 2011

Statistics tobacco smoke and the statistics discussed here are all over the world, the United States and England. They allow smoking statistics among the adult population, statistics, statistics for teen smoking and deaths caused by smoking.

Although cigarette statistics or statistics seem pretty depressing for the reader, the fact is that the statistics compare favorably smoking 25-30 years ago. This is particularly true for developed countries where illiteracy is high. This is probably due to the awareness of the effects of smoking on ill health and tobacco control imposed by different countries around the world.

Statistics of smoking in the world.

• A third of men smoke tobacco in the world.
• According to statistics, in 2010 approximately 20% of the global population smokes.
• Statistics Death smokers. 10% of adults who smoke die of smoking-related diseases. It is about 4 million deaths per year.
There is a death caused by tobacco every 8 seconds.
• About 10 billion cigarettes are sold worldwide every minute.
• What is 15 billion cigarettes were sold on a daily basis around the world.
• What are the five trillion cigarettes are sold each year.
• Approximately 33% of the cigarettes used in the Western Pacific region. (East Asia and the Pacific).
• The World Health Organization predicts that by 2030, 10 million people die each year from diseases related to smoking. This makes smoking the leading cause of death worldwide. The increase will be more women than men.
• WHO estimates that mortality rates of smokers in the 21 st century was ten times the death during the 20th century.

Statistics of tobacco consumption among young people.

• About 80 000-1.00000 children start smoking every day.
• About 20% of teens 13 to 15 years smoked in the world.
• 50% of children who start smoking soon continue smoking 20 years before leaving 15to.
• Approximately 25% of young people alive today will die in the Western Pacific against diseases related to smoking.
• Promote the snuff has a great impact on children start smoking.